Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Look, there's a Rabbit in the Tree!

The kids fell sound asleep tonight at 7PM! I am thrilled to have time to sit and think!! Not that I don't think...that didn't come out right. I do try to think, it's just not readily apparent. You know what I mean? If you are not aware you're thinking then it feels like you aren''s just the busyness but when you think about thinking (what is that called, "metacognition"??) it's so satisfying...just to know that I still can think...are you following me at all?

So, I just want to jot down a few things before I forget that I even remembered them.
(Can you tell it's late?)

- Princess Moxie has really been speaking a lot of English lately. She has developed this funny but inane way of referring to me as "Ma Byrnes." It reminds me of JohnBoy calling his nana, "Grandma Walton" on each episode of the Walton's. Makes me feel 92 years old.

- The kids call zippers "seat belts." I sorta understand how they reached that conclusion and haven't corrected them yet. So, each morning one will invariably walk up to me, thrust her pelvis out and say, "Ma Byrnes, please, my seatbelt?" It's enough to make orange juice shoot out of my nostrils.

- Princess Diva Darling is very, very smart. But she insists on calling squirrels "rabbits." The other day she scared the life out of me by yelling, "Mama, a big rabbit jumped out of a tree and is on the roof!"

- Princess Sparky got a huge gash on her face this week after she fell on a pretzal rod. Yes, you read that right, she ripped open her cheek on a Rold Gold Rod. I think there is still some salt imbedded in her face but I can't be sure.

- Princess Moxie and I went bra shopping recently. Not that she needs it, but she asked for one, and I figured it's better to start wearing one when you don't need it than not wearing one when you do need it. The underwear is so small and sweet it looks like it goes with the American Doll Collection. Brought back uncomfortable memories of my mom, me and a grumpy saleswoman with a yellow tape measure at Caldors in the 70s.

- Princess Diva Darling went in a swimming pool for the first time in her life. She did great. She
even swam underwater. At the end of the day she spread her arms wide and gleefully reported, "I swam like a bird!" She did, she swam a rabbit jumping out of a tree :)

Big hugs to YOU.


1 comment:

The B Family said...

These are hilarious! So good that you're writing them all down. I just adore your girls.