Saturday, April 18, 2009

For Susan Boyle...

In case you STILL haven't watched this clip on youtube, please please watch it NOW: and type in "Susan Boyle." Then sit back and prepare yourself to be moved.

Susan Boyle, you are my hero. You are better than Elaine Page. You rock. For every woman who ever wondered if Botox was a good idea, who thought they had to have beautiful hair and waxed eyebrows, or whiter teeth and tanner skin, you proved to them that you can be respected and adored for simply being yourself.

Dreams never die. They are either alive, achieved, or abandoned. Her performance is a reminder to never put your dreams away in your sock drawer.

For me, becoming a mother was a dream that I feared would be denied. It takes so much patience, perseverance, and stamina to hike up the unbeaten path rather than the ones most trampled. And once the dream is achieved, one needs to be awake and mindful of how precious it is and, perhaps, to dare to dream new dreams...

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